Textile microfibre sorbents are divided into hydrophobic and hydrophilic.
Hydrophobic version consists of Oil Only sorbents whereas hydrophilic consists of universal and chemical sorbents.
Hydrophobic Oil Only sorbents absorb oils and oil products. These absorbents repel humidity and water. Even after soaking up the oil substances they still float on water. We make them in the colour white and blue.
Hydrophilic sorbents absorb aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis, as well as oil products. These don’t float on water.
Universal (hydrophilic) sorbents are truly versatile in their use because they absorb all types of non-aggressive liquids, such as oil substances, organic substances, and aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis. Universal sorbents, as well as chemical sorbents, are not recommended for oil spillage on water. Their use is especially suitable where there are permanent small leaks of various fluids, emulsions, generally to prevent any leaks. Universal sorbents are supplied in gray.
Chemical sorbents (hydrophilic) absorb even highly concentrated aggressive liquids while resisting their effects. At the same time, as well as universal sorbents, they absorb both oil and petroleum products. Chemical sorbents are supplied in yellow color.
Microfibre sorbents are produced and supplied mostly in the form of rolls, mini rolls, sheets, or even filled or special products.
Store the sorbents only in dry rooms and, if possible, without long-term direct sunlight. In order to maintain the sorption capacity, it is especially necessary to store the products so that they are subjected to the lowest possible load.
The recommended way of disposing used sorbents is burning them in incinerators. ECOSTAR sorbents can be burned in any incineration plant without producing any hazardous waste. The choice of other disposal methods depends primarily on the substance that the sorbent is saturated with.